NSW Archaeology Pty Ltd is a specialist consultancy practice providing archaeological and heritage assessment services to the corporate, public and private sector in NSW. Our experience and dedication results in assessment and management solutions that ensure successful project outcomes | see portfolio
NSW Archaeology is currently preparing Cultural Heritage Assessments for the Snowy 2.0 project for Snowy Hydro Limited and several solar farm projects for CWP Renewables.
NSW Archaeology is represented by a core team of experienced archaeologists who possess a thorough knowledge of, and commitment to comply with and work through, the relevant heritage legislation and agency policies.

NSW Archaeology is dedicated to the successful assessment and management of Indigenous and and historical heritage, with a particular focus in achieving management solutions for clients that address the concerns of all stakeholders including indigenous, community and agency interests.
We are also committed to working effectively with clients in a dedicated, practical, professional and cost effective manner in order to ensure the best possible heritage management solutions and outcomes | see portfolio

Previous experience working within the relevant government agencies provides us with a knowledgeable appreciation of heritage legislation and agency policies.
Our archaeological experience and dedication to producing work of high quality ensures that our projects satisfy legislative and agency requirements | see portfolio

Dr Julie Dibden
Director – NSW Archaeology Pty Ltd
Julie is the manager of NSW Archaeology Pty Ltd and has 24 years experience working in archaeological and heritage management.
This experience includes extensive work in both the public (NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service; now Office of Environment and Heritage) and private sectors.

Andrew Pearce
Director – NSW Archaeology Pty Ltd
Andrew is a senior archaeologist and has 18 years experience working in archaeological and heritage management.
Andrew is our GIS specialist.
Contact Details
NSW Archaeology Pty Ltd | PO Box 2135 | Central Tilba NSW 2546
mobile: 0427 074 901
email | info@nswarchaeology.com.au